
This is a community organized food share and all of the labor is volunteer. Sometimes folks involved in this share help out with things like sorting and boxing people’s shares, delivering to drop off locations for pick up or helping with admin tasks. If you’d like to help let me know!

We order most things in bulk which are divided into shares. For example, a bulk order of organic, pastured chicken eggs has 15 shares and each share is a dozen eggs. In order for us to place an order for this amount of eggs we must fill up all 15 of those shares. In most cases, if an item has a lot of shares that have not been signed up for, we don’t order that thing. That means that you might sign up for a share of something but if not enough other people sign up, you likely won’t get it that week. If I am able to source a smaller quantity of something I try to, provided that the cost is comparable.

To sign up for a share you simply put your name next to an empty green cell on the spreadsheet.

Please make sure you add your name, email address to the “LIST” tab so that I can contact you with any information about that week’s order. If you don’t want to get emails because you aren’t participating in the share one week you can remove your information from the list.  

All pickups are on Tuesdays between 4pm-6pm in West Berkeley at 2701 Eighth St.

I send out totals on Tuesday after I have reviewed all final invoices. You can either pay me via PayPal or Venmo. Payment is due upon receipt.

We charge a 10% service fee the majority of which is used to purchase unclaimed shares which we then donate to people in our community who need food, as well as cash donations to Black-led organizations engaged in anti-racist work.

If you have any questions feel free to email me at

Thank you for your interest in this project!